The Challenges
- The prevalence of wounds is a serious and growing problem, costing Canadians $3.9 billion annually
- Wounds that become complicated lead to significant pain, ill health, disability, loss of employment and even loss of life
- A complicated wound affects patients and their families who are often left with limited resources to reduce suffering and improve healing
- 1 in 4 patients in acute and long-term care have a pressure injury (bedsore), a type of wound that is preventable with proper care
We are a charitable organization created to support Canadians who have wounds or are at risk for wounds. Our mission is to help bring prevention and awareness of wounds to the forefront of care.
Our primary goals for the Foundation are to raise money for existing programs and provide funding for additional programs to support, patients, their families and the wound community.
Patient Support
Our Patient Support resources are dedicated to you. Knowledge is power. You or your family member can benefit from learning about how to be an informed patient through our patient support resources. The more you understand about your condition, health management and your treatment plan, the better you will be able to advocate for yourself or your loved-one. These resources will teach you skills on how to be a knowledgeable patient or family caregiver.
At some point in your life, you or someone you love will be affected by a wound. Wounds Canada Foundation is committed to raising funds to support wound awareness and prevention across Canada.
Wounds Canada Foundation wants to ensure that no one will experience a preventable wound or experience the hardship of a wound complication. Your donations can help make a difference, change a life or save a life.
More research is needed to accurately provide the type and depth of information necessary for making sound, patient-focused decisions for all Canadians.
Through your generous donations we will offer scholarships for health-care professionals in the area of wound care and prevention.
The Patient Experience
Complicated wounds affect patients and their caregivers in myriad ways. By sharing their stories, Canadians can come together to form a community of support for others going through similar experiences and challenges.